Poor marketing strategies can affect your business

A marketing strategy is the backbone of any business

Poor marketing strategies can affect your business

A marketing strategy is the backbone of any business. It generates the required awareness about your products or services among customers. A good marketing strategy should correlate well with the long-term marketing plans and goals of the business.

But, due to a variety of reasons, businesses tend to go for flashy strategies or outdated ones to market their products. This can negatively impact the sales as well as reputation of overall business.

Let us find out where businesses go wrong in choosing their marketing strategy properly.

Lack of marketing expertise
A marketing plan devised for a business should be organized in a way, such that it complements the goals and resources of the organization. But many businesses become over ambitious and go for extreme marketing campaigns that are not necessary for their business type. This leads to depletion of funds, which can be used for other purposes.

Lack direction
A marketing program will be futile if it fails in targeting the desired audience. Many marketing professionals try to impress the management instead of working on customer preferences and choices. Marketing strategies designed in such manner will have little impact on customers purchasing decision and may lead to poor sales.

Ignoring Internet marketing
A study by Nielsen online and web visible has revealed that 44% of the small businesses in US are not having websites. This is a very high number considering the extent of Internet penetration in the country.